First of all - thank you, OrFeAsGr, for these great scripts. These scripts work just the way I've wanted them to work!

I've tested both scripts and settled on one that keeps all messages in a single window.

OrFeAsGr script has allowed me to achieve what I've wanted. We could end this topic here, but I'd like to ask 3 questions related to this.

1. First question.

So I've modified OrFeAsGr script to my preferences. Now the script code looks like this:

on *:open:?:*: {
  if (!$window(@mIRC-PM)) { window -mdk0 @mIRC-PM }
  aline @mIRC-PM Nick: $nick
  aline @mIRC-PM Network: $network
  aline @mIRC-PM Date&Time: $+($date,$chr(32),$time)
  aline @mIRC-PM Text: $1-
  aline @mIRC-PM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Visually the script looks like this:

Originally, OrFeAsGr script included code fragments like: 3User14:7; 3Date&Time14.

Why were those numbers like 3; 14:7 used?

Visually original script looked like this:

Why were those numbers like 3; 14:7 (underlined by a red line) used?

2. Second question.

Which script command does actually detect that I've received a PM? Looking at code I assume it's this part of the code:

on *:open:?:*:

I've tried googling about this command without any luck. How does it actually detect that I've received particularly a PM?

3. Third question.

Are you able to copy-paste script code from this page into mIRC script editor without any formatting issues?

Because I'm having a problem copy-pasting the script code.

Here's how I see the script code in this page using Chrome:

^^ No formatting issues.

Here's how I see the script code after pasting it into mIRC script editor:

^^ Formatting issues underlined by a red line.

Here's how I see the script code after pasting it into MS Word 2013:

^^ Formatting issues underlined by a red line.

I've tried these options, but neither fixed this issue:

1. Pasting as plain text only.
2. Pasting into Notepad first.
3. Copying the script code from this page using Firefox, Chrome or Internet Explorer.
4. Changing Chrome encoding from Western (windows-1252) to Unicode (UTF-8).
5. Using or not using a clipboard manager like Ditto.
6. Using another PC.

Finally, I've found the only solution that fixes this issue for me:
Copy-pasting script code from this page to Google Docs. Then copy-pasting script code from Google Docs to mIRC script editor.
This method copy-pastes code from this page to mIRC script editor or any other word processor like Notepad or MS Word without any issues. Pasted code looks the same way as it looks on this page in web browser.

Somehow I think it has something to do with character encoding: Western (windows-1252); Unicode (UTF-8) and PHP, HTML (web browser thing) vs whatever is used in other text editors like mIRC script editor, Notepad, MS Word etc.

Do you all experience such behavior or is the problem only on my side?

Once again, thank you all for your input smile