I'd like mIRC to show a tip when I get a PM or when somebody mentions my nickname. The problem is that $tip command only allows to create a popup that lasts from 3 to 60 seconds. I'd like a popup to stay permanently until I click on it.

Is there some kind of work around that would allow to have an indefinite desktop notification, tip etc. after receiving a PM?

Here's a script code:

; http://hawkee.com/snippet/7101
; $tip command only allows to create a popup that lasts from 3 to 60 seconds. I'd like a popup to stay permanently until I click on it.
; The same functionality can be achieved withing mIRC tools > options > display > options > tips
; To set an alert word or phrase use: /alert

on *:OPEN:?:alert $1-
on *:TEXT:*:*:alert $1-
on *:ACTION:*:*:alert $1-
on *:NOTICE:*:*:alert $1-
alias alert {
  var %msg $strip($1-)
  if !$chan || $nick = $snick(#,1) || $count(%msg,$me,$snick(#,1),%alert) {
    if !$tip($nick) && !$istok(NickServChanServ,$nick,7) && (!$appactive || $activewid != $window($iif(#,#,$iif($nick,$v1,$active))).wid) {
      flash -b1r2
      %msg = $iif($len(%msg) < 333,%msg,$left(%msg,330) $+ ...)
      noop $tip($nick,$iif(#,#,Private Message), $nick  %msg,60,,,window -ax # $iif($window($nick),$nick,$iif($comchan($nick,1),$v1,"status window")))
  if (!$nick) $iif($input(Enter Alert Text,toe,Alert!,%alert),set %alert $!,unset %alert)

Would it be possible to repeat again this notification (tip) script after 60 seconds again, if I don't open mIRC or click on tip balloon?
In other words, repeat the tip again if I don't open mIRC window or check the PM. Something like that.

Or maybe it's possible to get a permanent desktop notification about mIRC PMs by using some other commands or options?

Thank you.

Last edited by FraneHines; 03/02/15 06:06 PM.