Actually, that got me thinking of it differently. It sounds more like an ISNULL check rather than an IF check. That wouldn't be a bad option to have built in, but it's also extremely easy to script...

alias isnull {
  if ($1 == $null) { return $2 }
  else { return $1 }

//var %x = $isnull($1,default)

If $1 is null, then it will set the variable to whatever is entered as the default value. Otherwise, the variable is set to $1.

As far as the original feature request, I see value in a built-in $isnull even if it's easy to script (and is really just about the same thing as $iif()), but that isn't really a replacement for $iif() because as I originally mentioned, it is specifically designed for checking on $null and not for checking on anything else.

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