I don't know why this has never found its way into mIRC, but one of the most obnoxious things about creating custom aliases is the inclusion of default parameters and all the $iif() mess that goes with it.

Rather than

Alias XYZZY {
  var %foo = $iif($1 != $null,$1,42)
  var %bar = $iif($2-,$2-,and everything)

I'd like to see

Alias PLUGH {
  var %foo = $1="42"
  var %bar = $2-="and everything"

I know this touches on some parsing fundamentals, but I'm convinced it's similar enough to other like-syntax in mSL that it works. For instance, $?1="pick a number" is almost identical in this regard. $1="42" just feels natural; like it belongs. smile

Well. At least I won lunch.
Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!