Hm. Although it probably doesn't matter, the immediate resume by using a script instead of manually typing it may be a problem. What I'm thinking now is that you may have a codec or audio software installed that is causing the problem. If it's software, try disabling it. If it's a codec, I'm not sure that you can disable it without uninstalling it. I don't know for sure, though. But if the song is cutting off, then it's a good indication that mIRC thinks it's doing the right thing, but that something is interfering and codecs or audio software sounds like a likely suspect.

As far as the formats for playlists, I probably have the information somewhere. But all I did was grab a playlist from each of the programs I wanted and opened them in notepad. The playlists are usually plain text. They may include XML formatting or no formatting, but they should be possible to read from notepad. After that, I just parsed the information. I also provided an option to convert it to the format my script used natively. All that did was parse out the playlist and re-save it using my format.

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