I am playing mp3 files from a queue (after doing several /splay -q commands)
and I am trying to pause, then restart, the song from where it was paused.

I have captured the relevant information at the time I do the
pause with $insong (saved to global variables for tracking).

Here are those variables, just before the pause, and then again
after the /splay pause was done:

Before the pause:

%HorseC_Player_pause.pos 34653
%HorseC_Player_pause.fname E:\My Music\- Walk On The Wild Side.mp3
%HorseC_Player_pause.pause $false

--> /splay pause done here <-----

%HorseC_Player_pause.pos.after 34653
%HorseC_Player_pause.fname.after E:\My Music\- Walk On The Wild Side.mp3
%HorseC_Player_pause.pause.after $true

Now, in reading the help file, as it relates to /splay,
(actually the 'Playing Sounds' section cross referenced
at /splay in the help system)

I see that you can RESUME a mp3 file.

If i am reading it right:
/splay -cwmpq [filename | stop | pause | resume | seek | skip] [pos]

/splay -p filename RESUME pos

Is what I think i should be using (with of course
the saved filename and the saved pos .

I think I should be able to resume from the pos that i saved,
as yet I have not been able to do this.
Here are my questions.

1. given: 'E:\My Music\- Walk On The Wild Side.mp3'
Do I need to save this as a short filename because of the blanks?

2. Am I reading this whole section wrong with reference to resume?

3. IF not, what would be the correct format for the command to play this song from the position I have saved.

Thanks in advance for any reply.

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