some further information.. so you know exactly what I am doing...

Code running now.. Resume starts at beginning of file,
not at pause point.

(commented out lines i was using for
tracking as shown in prior post.

on *:dialog:hcplayer:sclick:3: {
; /set %HorseC_Player_pause.pos $insong.pos
; /set %HorseC_Player_pause.fname $insong.fname
; /set %HorseC_Player_pause.pause $insong.pause
/splay pause
; /set %HorseC_Player_pause.pos.after $insong.pos
; /set %HorseC_Player_pause.fname.after $insong.fname
; /set %HorseC_Player_pause.pause.after $insong.pause
noop $tip($ctime,HorseC's Music Player,7Player Paused per request. $crlf Use 4Resume7 to restart song just paused.,10,,,,)

on *:dialog:hcplayer:sclick:4: {
/splay resume
noop $tip($ctime,HorseC's Music Player,7Resuming Paused song.,10,,,,)

Note: I downloaded (today) a fresh copy of mIRC and installed it in a seperate directory (as an upgrade so as not to mess up anything in my current version)

I then checked and verified NO scripts were loaded, and i had the standard stuff that comes with a new install only.

I then loaded my player script. tested, and it still does NOT resume back to a position in the mp3 file.

The code above will (i hope) show that im doing what was suggested, and I still have the problem.

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