hi all,

I am writing an Access List Dialog for my mirc, i would like a small amount of help.....

i have the dialog and it looks how i want it too look but i cant get the data from the server to fill the list box.

if i type /cs accss # list * it shows the data required in the status window of mirc, i would like to know how to get this data to show in my list box

My Dialog..

DIALOG AccessList {
  title "Access List"
  size -1 -1 500 330

  list 1, 10 10 480 250, vsbar
  button "Add Owner" 2, 10 265 150 25
  button "Add Host"3, 175 265 150 25
  button "Add Half Host" 4, 340 265 150 25
  button "Remove Selected", 5, 10 295 150 25
  button "Refresh List", 6, 175 295 150 25
  button "Exit", 7, 340 295 150 25, ok


i know it needs to be an ON init event that is as far as i can go, i used to do mirc scripting years ago but have since become very rusty

this is what i tried..

on *:dialog:AccessList:init:0: {
  did -a AccessList 1 CSAccessList

alias CSAccessList { CHANSERV ACCESS $chan($active) LIST * }

but ofcause the list box just prints CSAccessList

thankyou in advance for any and all help.

also if you like my dialog layout feel free to use it smile

Last edited by TerryG; 11/11/12 10:29 AM.