I think it'd be better that you use a hash table in this fashion as what Riamus2 has suggested initially:
/hadd -m bad *badnick*
/hadd -m bad *badnick2*
/hadd -m bad *badnick3*
then simply use:
on *:exit:{
  hsave bad bad.hsh
on *:start:{
  if (!$hget(bad)) hmake bad 100
  hload bad bad.hsh
on *:nick:{
  if ($hfind(bad,$newnick,1,W)) { 
    ban -k #chan $v1 2 Bad Nick Not Allowed!
Replace #chan with the actual channel name.

This will match new nicknames against the main bad ones you've added. The asterisk symbol on both ends will match within a changed nickname as per your wish.

This is only to check on a single channel basis. If you want it to take care of all the channels that you're opped and on, you need to modify it using $comchan($newnick,N)