Originally Posted By: Riamus2
It isn't elitist just because you don't like it.
That was pointed towards mIRC's way of handling URLs. It clearly expects the URLs to be perfect and according to ISO standards. When in the real world, they can be either encoded or user friendly. Most of the time, they're user friendly, because most people don't see %20 between words or any other weird symbols. If they do, I suggest seeking immediate medical help.
Originally Posted By: Riamus2
The simple fact is that mIRC does not support it and will not. That isn't a bug and it isn't changing.
Originally Posted By: Riamus2
Btw, no one ever claimed mIRC was perfect, so that's a completely irrelevant argument.
By not fixing a bug or refusing to fix it, that bug becomes a feature. Thus, mIRC is free of bugs. This URL handling bug seems to be going to same road and is soon a feature. Completely irrelevant. I also like that users need to create the bugfi... sorry, anti-features on their own or seek help from other users to share these anti-features in forms of dlls or scripts to make the client perform correc... sorry again, customize the client to their needs.

Just as a reminder:
Word: Perfect
Definition: Being without defect or blemish.

Claiming mIRC has no bugs and only features is the same as claiming it is perfect.

Last edited by krypto; 30/08/12 10:11 PM.