Well, I have a script for a layout. The status window gets 200px vertically in the 1st column; the "@dev" window, a combined window I use, gets the rest. The 1st column has 1.1 times the width of the channels column if there's only one channels column, and 1.2 times the width (of each) if there's more than one. The case with 0 chans appears to work, but may cause a silent error. Only the chan windows in the 'normal' state are counted. The formula for assigning chans per column is hard-coded for only 3 rows.

The code is not polished. 'echo' statements are commented. You're invited to take a look. I'd welcome suggestions on trimming down lines, or generalizing the 'chans per column' formula. Also, someone suggested executing the command at short (0.1 sec) intervals instead of executing it when you exchange which windows are open (not minimized), or resize the master window.

Regarding the usefulness, communication is important, and layout is important to effective information display. That much goes unsaid often, and "the literature" on information display is scant, especially effective digital display, not to mention interface controls additionally. One example I was introduced to is:


Notably, Tufte is critical of MS PowerPoint, which I agree with.

alias layout {
  var %numrows = 3
  var %numchans = 0
  var %j = 1
  while (%j <= $chan(0)) {
    if ($window($chan(%j)).state == normal) {
      inc %numchans
    inc %j
  var %numcols = $ceil($calc(%numchans / %numrows))
  var %col0prop = $iif(%numcols > 1, 1.2, 1.1)

  var %col0px = $int($calc(%col0prop * $window(-3).w / (%numcols + 1)))
  window "status window" 0 0 %col0px 300
  var %x = $window(-3).h - $window(status window).h
  %x = %x - 2
  window @dev 0 $window(status window).h %col0px %x

  var %colNpx = $int($calc(($window(-3).w - %col0px) / %numcols))
  ;echo -s %numchans %numcols %numrows $window(-3).w %col0px %colNpx

  %x = %col0px
  var %yI = 0, %xI = 0
  var %chanN = 0
  var %h0, %h, %y
  %j = 0
  while (%chanN < $chan(0)) {
    inc %chanN
    ;echo -s $chan(%chanN) $window($chan(%chanN)) $window($chan(%chanN)).state
    if ($window($chan(%chanN)).state == normal) {
      %h0 = $calc( (%numrows - (%numchans % %numrows)) % %numrows)
      ;echo -s %h0
      %h0 = $iif(%xI < %h0, %numrows - 1, %numrows)
      if (%numchans < %numrows) {
        %h0 = %numchans
      ;echo -s %h0 $window(-3).h $calc($window(-3).h / 3)
      %h = $int($calc($window(-3).h / %h0))
      %x = $calc(%col0px + %xI * %colNpx)
      %y = %yI * %h
      window $window($chan(%chanN)) %x %y %colNpx %h
      ;echo -s %yI %h0 %h %col0px %xI %colNpx $window($chan(%chanN)) %x %y %colNpx %h
      inc %yI
      inc %j
      if (%yI >= %h0) {
        inc %xI
        %yI = 0
  ;echo -s _

Regarding the 'chans per column' formula, I tabulated the results I would expect. It's somewhat mysterious. I don't know how the app does it, or what other ways there might be.

     3          4        5
1    1          1        1
2    2          2        2
3    3          3        3
4    22         4        4
5    23         23       5
6    33         33       33
7    223        34       34
8    233        44       44
9    333        333      45
10   2233       334      55
11   2333       344      344
12   3333       444      444
13   22333      3334     445
14   23333      3344     455
15   33333      3444     555
16   223333     4444     4444
17   233333     33344    4445
18   333333     33444    4455
19   2233333    34444    4555
20   2333333    44444    5555
21   3333333    333444   44445
22   22333333   334444   44455