
I didn't get any replies to my post, which is a little mysterious. I'm a programmer, so I'm aware that the devs might just be burned out on the issue; so I'm trying again.

Window layout is a pretty complicated topic. The 'wxWidgets' GUI package, for example, has a number of options (BoxSizers, GridSizers, FlexGridSizers, GridBagSizers) for addressing the task. Obviously, I'm interested in a solution that is a good balance of the devs' time and energy with the desired effect.

It's also possible that the task is more involved than I'm aware, depending on how much the MDI control does, and how much the devs have done by hand. I just spent a couple hours grappling with exporting __stdcall functions with the MinGW compiler. No luck unfortunately, and it's not obvious the effect would be possible with that strategy anyway; I'd have to call EnumChildWindows, and recall the DLL function every time the window changed size, which is yet another problem. Another form of interprocess communication might be just as effective, such as controlling layout with a second process via sockets. But I digress.

I can think of two obvious usages of a potential "/arrange" command.

1) Specify number of windows (channels, status window, custom window) per column/row, which will then be evenly spaced.
2) Specify the number of "positions" a window should occupy in the column/row.

Do people think this would be useful? Would an illustration be useful? Do the devs like it, or want more of the specifics on the command?