Originally Posted By: Tomao
To make the message displayed as a notice, just add the -n switch, along with an else condition to tell a user if a topic exists or not.

on *:TEXT:!faq *:#MY_CHAN:{
var %f = file.txt, %x = $replace($2-,$chr(32),_)
if ($ini(%f,%x)) { .play $+(-nt,%x) $nick %f }
else { notice $nick Sorry the topic $qt($2-) does not exist! }
and since you choose notice, it'd be better to replace # with $nick. But you can use # if you wish.

Originally Posted By: Tomao
jaytea, very nice suggestion, but you're sort of making it more perplexed for beginners...:p

lol well my head is already spinning form all this so yes,jayteas code through me for a loop laugh .I ended up trying what you said Tomao and this is exactly what we were trying too do.I can see from your code that we wouldn't have got it anytime soon lol.I did try playing around with the -n switch and also tried .notice but I can see I was way off.

What throws me so much is understanding all the $ % & * ect.. and were they are ment to go.. but I'm sure that will come over time.At the moment a user comes in and types !faq some question here and it rips through the text file we have (which have over 1200 lines of txt) and within a second it notices the user in the room if it finds something or not,this is awesome and exactly what we want.Thanks heaps guys you have all been great wink

/me slips Tomao a bonus cookie laugh