ah ok ,i didnt think of that,would something like this be ok you think ?
On *:Text:*:#MYCHAN:{
if (!FAQ isin $1-) {
/play -n c:\text\FAQ.txt 1000
I tried the above and it worked but it seems to also spam my status window with the info in the txt file,
* Playing 'FAQ.txt' to Z0n3r with 1000ms delay
[12:05am] -> -Z0n3r- Q. Question 1 here
[12:05am] -> -Z0n3r- A. Answer here
[12:05am] -> -Z0n3r- Q. Question 2 here
[12:05am] -> -Z0n3r- A. Answer here
[12:05am] -> -Z0n3r- Q.question 3 here
[12:05am] -> -Z0n3r- A. Answer here
* Playback of 'FAQ.txt' complete
Is there a way so it doesn't spam my status window?
And how would I go about adding more triggers?
I tried the following but it only seems to work on the first one:
On *:Text:*:#MYCHAN:{
if (!FAQ isin $1-) {
/play -n $nick c:\InvisionOLD\Text\FAQ.txt 1000
On *:Text:*:#MYCHAN:{
if (!clog isin $1-) {
/play -n $nick c:\InvisionOLD\Text\MMlog.txt 1000
On *:Text:*:#MYCHAN:{
if (!latest isin $1-) {
.notice $nick http://some_website.com
As I said it only see's the first one (!FAQ) but when someone types !clog or !latest it doesnt respond,any help would be great