Although that's not bad for 2 commands, it will quickly become a pain if you want to add more commands. I'd leave it as multiple elseif lines (one per command).

If you do want to use $istok() to have a single elseif, then I'd suggest naming the files with the same name as the command and using $remove($1,!) $+ .txt for the filename instead of using $iif(). That is actually more efficient than multiple elseifs, but you are basically required to use the same filename as the command, which may or may not be what the OP wants.

on *:TEXT:*:#mychan:{
  if ($1 == !latest) .notice $nick
  elseif $istok(!FAQ !clog !othercommand !yetonemorecommand,$1,32) {
    .play -n $nick c:\InvistionOLD\Text\ $+ $remove($1,!) $+ .txt 1000

Filenames for the above example would need to be: faq.txt, clog.txt, othercommand.txt, and yetonemorecommand.txt

To the OP: Be advised that although 1000 works well for smaller outputs, it's still often too fast for long outputs. I'd recommend 1500 as that will usually work. However, you may have to adjust it higher yet if you have a really long FAQ or log or anything else depending on the server. Just try it out and if you get kicked for excess flooding, increase it. 2000 is very slow, but it is also pretty much immune from excess flood kicks except in cases when you are lagging badly and suddenly send many lines at once to the server. Anyhow, you can set different time delays for each command. Shorter outputs can be set lower without much of a problem, for example.

Last edited by Riamus2; 03/02/11 04:51 PM.

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