Originally Posted By: argv0
Err, how would it know? /alias is a command, so you can't just assume "a line beginning with 'alias'" is the start of an alias. ditto for events, since /on could be a command too (and /ctcp certainly is). Example:

alias myalias {
  if (%x == 2) {
    echo -a x is 2

alias /myotheralias /echo -a hi

This would be reindented as:

alias myalias {
  if (%x == 2) {
    echo -a x is 2
  alias /myotheralias /echo -a hi
; missing } is here

As in, /myalias would create a new alias /myotheralias. This is a valid usage.

mIRC would complain that you're missing a } at the last line, and its guess would be as good as it could get. The above code is perfectly syntactically valid, and *COULD* have been what your intention was. It's impossible for mIRC to read your mind and tell where your alias is supposed to end if you don't tell it.

Actually... if it worked it's way down... ran into a bracket mismatch... then worked it's way backup to the start of the mismatch... it would simply need to continue down again until it reached the alias "command" and flagged that as the cause of the mismatch, it would still be right well over 95% time.

Beware of MeStinkBAD! He knows more than he actually does!