If you press Ctrl-H, while the number of open and close brackets don't match, mIRC will try to locate the location of the missing or excess bracket.

If you have more close than open brackets, it seems to pinpoint the problem correctly (which makes sense, since it's the location where mIRC would have to place the close bracket left of the screen).

However, if you have more open than close brackets, mIRC seems quite clueless, and most of the time sends me thousands of lines down, where I'm in a totally different part of my code.

Would it be possible to jump to the top of the function that has more open than close brackets? This should always be correctly pinpointable, since it's the last line where the even or alias is correctly aligned to the left side of the screen, whereas the bottom of the function depends on guesswork by mIRC.

This way you will always be located at the function that has the problem, instead of just anywhere in the rest of the code.

Learning something new every day.