Err, how would it know? /alias is a command, so you can't just assume "a line beginning with 'alias'" is the start of an alias. ditto for events, since /on could be a command too (and /ctcp certainly is). Example:

alias myalias {
  if (%x == 2) {
    echo -a x is 2

alias /myotheralias /echo -a hi

This would be reindented as:

alias myalias {
  if (%x == 2) {
    echo -a x is 2
  alias /myotheralias /echo -a hi
; missing } is here

As in, /myalias would create a new alias /myotheralias. This is a valid usage.

mIRC would complain that you're missing a } at the last line, and its guess would be as good as it could get. The above code is perfectly syntactically valid, and *COULD* have been what your intention was. It's impossible for mIRC to read your mind and tell where your alias is supposed to end if you don't tell it.

- argv[0] on EFnet #mIRC
- "Life is a pointer to an integer without a cast"