I use this script. creates a folder for the network, and a .ini file for the name of each person. Copy and paste in the Remote Tab and save.

; $seen.dir -> network specific directory.
; $seen.dir(nick) -> network and nick specific file.
alias seen.dir {
  if ($0) {
    ; This will replace invalid characters with an underscore.
    var %fn = $replacex($1,/,_,\,_,:,_,",_,<,_,>,_,|,_)
    return $qt($+(seen\,$network,\,%fn,.ini))
  else {
    return $qt($+(seen\,$network))

; /seen.clear nick -> Clears the info stored about the nick
alias seen.clear {
  ; this are going to change [ to @ and ] to ~
  var %topic = $replacex($1,[,@,],~)
  var %filename = $seen.dir($1)
  if ($isfile(%filename)) {
    remini $seen.dir($1) %topic
  else {
    var %dir = $qt($left($nofile(%filename),-1))
    if ($isdir(%dir) == $false) {
      mkdir %dir

; /seen.set nick name value -> Stores name=value for the nick.
alias seen.set {
  var %topic = $replacex($1,[,@,],~)
  var %filename = $seen.dir($1)
  var %dir = $qt($left($nofile(%filename),-1))
  if ($isdir(%dir) == $false) {
    mkdir %dir
  if ($3 != $null ) { 
  writeini %filename %topic $2 $3- }

; $seen.get(nick,name) -> Retrieves the value stored for the nick.
alias seen.get {
  var %topic = $replacex($1,[,@,],~)
  var %filename = $seen.dir($1)
  return $readini(%filename,%topic,$2)

on 1:TEXT:!seen:#:{
  msg $chan $nick $+ , there are $findfile($seen.dir(*),0) seen records in my database. Please refine your search.

on 1:TEXT:suggest seen *:#:{
  var %pattern = $+(*,$3,*.ini)
  var %delay = 1
  .timer 1 %delay notice $nick [ClubCX AI] Based on your search, I would suggest you are looking for one of the following nicknames:
  inc %delay 2
  var %n = $findfile($seen.dir,%pattern,0)
  var %i = 1
  while (%i < %n) {
    .timer 1 %delay notice $nick $left($nopath($findfile($seen.dir,%pattern,%i)),-4)
    inc %delay 2
    inc %i
    if (%i == 5) { break }
  .timer 1 %delay notice $nick I found $calc(%n - %i) more matches. You can refine your search even more by supplying a better query. For example, *TAR* instead of *AR*

on 1:TEXT:!seen *:#:{
  ; if the guy is looking for you
  if (* isin $2) || (? isin $2) {
    var %pattern = $+(*,$2,*.ini)
    msg $chan [ClubCX AI] $nick $+ , there are $findfile($seen.dir,%pattern,0) matching records in my database. To list them, type: suggest seen $2 
  elseif ($2 == $me) { 
    msg $chan $2 is running successfully. 
  ; if the guy is so stupid that he looks after him self
  elseif ($2 == $nick) { 
    msg $chan $nick $+ , you do realise this is a computer don't you? 
  ; if the person he's looking for already is in the channel
  elseif ($2 ison $chan) { 
    msg $chan $nick $+ , $2- is still in $chan $+ .

  ; this are going to change [ to @ and ] to ~
  var %action = $seen.get($2,action)
  var %time = $seen.get($2,time)

  ; if he's not in the ini files
  if (%action == $null) {
    msg $chan Sorry $nick $+ . I haven't seen $2 around.
  ; if the latest thing he did was to join the channel
  elseif (%action == join) { 
    var %joinchannel = $seen.get($2,channel)
    msg $chan $nick $+ , $2- joined %joinchannel $+ , $duration($calc($ctime - %time)) ago.
  ; if the latest thing he did was to part the channel...
  elseif (%action == part) { 
    var %partchannel = $seen.get($2,channel)
    msg $chan $nick $+ , $2 parted %partchannel $+ , $duration($calc($ctime - %time)) ago.
  ; if the latest thing he did was to quit...
  elseif (%action == quit) { 
    var %quitmessage = $seen.get($2,message)
    msg $chan $nick $+ , $2 quit with the message $qt(%quitmessage) $+ , $duration($calc($ctime - %time)) ago.
  ; if the latest thing he did was to be kicked...
  elseif (%action == kick) { 
    var %kickchannel = $seen.get($2,channel)
    msg $chan $nick $+ , $2 was kicked from %kickchannel $+ , $duration($calc($ctime - %time)) ago.
  ; if the latest thing he did was to change nickname
  elseif (%action == nick) { 
    var %nicknew = $seen.get($2,nick)
    msg $chan $nick $+ , $2 changed his nick to %nicknew $+ , $duration($calc($ctime - %time)) ago.
  ; if the latest thing he did was to say something...
  elseif (%action == text) { 
    var %textchannel = $seen.get($2,channel)
    msg $chan $nick $+ , $2 said something $+ , $duration($calc($ctime - %time)) ago.
  ; if the latest thing he did was an action
  elseif (%action == action) { 
    var %actionchannel = $seen.get($2,channel)
    msg $chan $nick $+ , $2 did an action in %actionchannel $+ , $duration($calc($ctime - %time)) ago.

; when someone joins...
on 1:JOIN:#:{
  seen.clear $nick
  seen.set $nick action join
  seen.set $nick channel $chan 
  seen.set $nick time $ctime

; when someone parts the channel
on 1:PART:#:{
  seen.clear $nick
  seen.set $nick action part
  seen.set $nick channel $chan 
  seen.set $nick time $ctime

; when someone quits
on 1:QUIT:{
  seen.clear $nick
  seen.set $nick action quit
  seen.set $nick time $ctime
  seen.set $nick message $1-

; when some moron gets kicked from the channel
on 1:KICK:#:{
  seen.clear $nick
  seen.set $nick action kick
  seen.set $nick channel $chan 
  seen.set $nick time $ctime

; when someone changes nick
on 1:NICK:{
  seen.clear $nick
  seen.set $nick action nick
  seen.set $nick newnick $newnick
  seen.set $nick time $ctime

; when someone says something in the channel
on 1:TEXT:*:#:{
  seen.clear $nick
  seen.set $nick action text
  seen.set $nick channel $chan
  seen.set $nick text $1-
  seen.set $nick time $ctime

; when someone makes an action in the channel
on 1:ACTION:*:#:{
  seen.clear $nick
  seen.set $nick action action
  seen.set $nick channel $chan
  seen.set $nick text $nick $1-
  seen.set $nick time $ctime