I find it burdensome to use a text file when you can do it in the script. And I don't see it as messy in any way. You can reconstruct the script like so:
on $*:action:$(/\b(slaps?) \Q $+ $me $+ \E\b/iS):*:{
  if (!%x) { 
    inc -u5 %x
    var %group1 = nick1 nick2 nick3 nick4 nick5 nick6
    var %group2 = nick1 nick2 nick3 nick4 nick5 nick6 nick7 nick8
    var %group3 =
    var %group4 =
    var %group5 =
    if ($istok(%group1,$nick,32)) {
      describe $iif(#,#,$nick) $regml(1) $nick back and eats the trout.
    elseif ($istok(%group2,$nick,32)) {
      describe $iif(#,#,$nick) $regml(1) $nick back and throws the trout back into the river.
    elseif ($istok(%group3,$nick,32)) {
      ;another message
So on and so forth...