Originally Posted By: Riamus2
I did read it. That's why I said it was whining. Who cares who was first? mIRC did it how Khaled wanted and it's became as close to a "standard" as we're likely to get. That says that it's at least good enough that people are willing to use it. Maybe another way would be better. Maybe not. mIRC's works just fine. And it doesn't matter if Khaled said he'd use ircle's method. If Khaled decided it wasn't good enough or wouldn't work the way he wanted it to, it's HIS software to write however he wants. Colors weren't a part of the RFC and were not in any way a standard that needed to be followed. Just because one company wanted their way to become a standard doesn't mean people had to agree. And one company's method of doing something doesn't make it a standard just because they were the first to do it. It can only become a standard if others accept it and follow suit. In this case, mIRC's was used instead. Now, if there was already a standard and mIRC ignored it, then there would be reason to fault Khaled's choice. That wasn't the case, so there was nothing wrong with Khaled choosing his way. He also isn't obligated to provide development details to other companies even if they offer theirs to him.

If you don't care about breaking an existing standard, then why would you say...

Even though the brackets were meant for optional, he was still saying there had to be an ending character of some sort. I suppose that isn't necessarily bad, but it's not great either. And, not only does it break scripts than use Ctrl-K by itself, but it would break every script that uses colors because none would have that ending character.

It doesn't matter which one is better. It's matters that you break an existing standard. Why does CNTRL-K insert ^C and not ^K? Then both standards would exist. (Well ^K is /x09 which is \r, but CNTRL-K could enter anything like ^E).

And, no. Khaled isn't likely to CHANGE how colors work (such as changing the format to ircle's method). And I don't think anyone here suggested he would. However, there's a good chance he'll add more color support using the same or an extended version of what is already there.

mIRC's meathod is standard. I don't expect him to change back to IRCle's meathod. But a *new* meathod that wouldn't break either has been suggested many times...

Beware of MeStinkBAD! He knows more than he actually does!