I'm making a script that uses google translation. I'm having a problem when translating from some language to Japanese (or any other non-roman language). In the sockread portion of the script I have regex to find the translated text. Then I set the translated text to a variable with $regml() being the text. After everything is found I msg the translated text to the chan.

I can get こんにちは translated to hello but doing the reverse it returns ‚±‚ñ‚É‚¿‚Í instead of the japanese characters. I've saved the sockread to a file and in the file there is the japanese, so some where between reading it, storing it in a variable, and messaging the chan the japanese chracters are messed up.

Anyone have any clue how to fix this. I'm using mIRC 6.35, I have it so it displays utf-8 character. Thanks

My personal site with some scripts I've released.