Hey i am not good at this scripting stuff but i am trying to get a command to work so that when a users says a "keyword" it would trigger a response from the bot.
Seen them in some channels before that do what i want.

Heres what i been trying to play around with. I figured i could just make alot of them and it would work,


on 1:text:beer:#:describe $chan hands $$1 a Ice Cold Budweiser


and it displays results as

[5:40pm] * @ToRmEnTeD hands beer a Ice Cold Budweiser

well this does kinda work but it wont say the users name and it just seems a bit odd working....I need this to stay simple because i am well...very new at this.

If i could get someone to make me a example line that works likle that i would greatly apprecate it. Im just wanting to make a big list of them to add to my PNP script.
Thanks to anyone who helps

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