Hello, I want to report a bug for Moo\ who has problems with receiving the registration mail.

Sorry if this has already been reported..
I did a quick search for "utf8" and the topics seemed to discuss different issues - so...

The problem is about UTF8-Display together with bold or underlined text.
If both appear in one line, the performance of mirc will be decreased heavily, including scrolling, copying text, simply everything concerning the window while the affected text is inside it.
Scrolling away or switching the window results in mirc working normally again, it's just about the time those lines are visible.

To reproduce it, you could simply run the following commands: (utf8-display should be on)
//var %x = 1 | while (%x <= 100) { echo -ag test %x - äöü äöü äöü | inc %x } | while (%x <= 200) { echo -ag test %x - äöü äöü äöü | inc %x }

As you should have noticed, the first 100 lines are displayed normally, the other 100 decrease the display-speed continuously.
Try scrolling between those 2 blocks of text (especially using the mouse wheel), copy some lines, you will notice the difference quickly.

I for myself can reproduce it with mIRC 6.32


I took a test in Existentialism. I left all the answers blank and got 100.