
There is a post with this exact same bug issue located here: BhaaL's post

I thought I should make a new thread so that it's more noticeable.

I'm experiencing the EXACT same bug as in that post, and I have a couple screenshots here.. I managed to reproduce this bug on a COMPLETELY blank copy of mIRC 6.32. The only thing that isn't default is the code which I will also provide.

Screenshot: mirc632_bug.png

alias bugtest {
  showmirc -t
  server irc.dal.net
  server -m irc.efnet.net
  server -m irc.swiftirc.net
on *:connect: {
  if ($network == DALnet) {
    join #mIRC-Alpha1
    join #mIRC-Alpha2
    join #mIRC-Alpha3
    join #mIRC-Alpha4
    join #mIRC-Alpha5
  elseif ($network == EFNet) {
    join #mIRC-Alpha1
    join #mIRC-Alpha2
    join #mIRC-Alpha3
    join #mIRC-Alpha4
    join #mIRC-Alpha5
  elseif ($network == SwiftIRC) {
    join #mIRC-Alpha1
    join #mIRC-Alpha2
    join #mIRC-Alpha3
    join #mIRC-Alpha4
    join #mIRC-Alpha5

Now, the reason I made the code so crappy and long is because I didn't know if this produced the same bug by using "server -m foo -j #bar" so I tested with something that's close to what I'm using at the moment.

Also, I don't know if the "showmirc -t" makes a difference but I added that in because I've only ever experienced this bug whilst mIRC wasn't the active window.

I've NEVER experienced this bug whilst using mIRC 6.31 so that is the reason why I have brought this up as being a "bug".
