Originally Posted By: RusselB
You can not legally hide or alter the default version reply from the mIRC executable. If you do, you are in violation of the EULA.

Yes you can legally hide version replies. The eaiset way would be to ignore all ctcps. this can be done by doing /ignore -t @ this will ignore all ctcps not just version requests. /help /ignore check the -t parameter. so if you rely on ctcp's (i dont know anyone who does) it may be not be good otherwise its a great LEGAL work around

I have no idea why one cant change the version reply!! especially when FREE clients offer that option. It has been requested by users many times and i think its selfish of the mIRC team not even to acknowledge this popular request even in the slightest way.
I personally don't care about my version reply. But it annoys me that a popular request like this one has not even had a tiny hint of acknowledgment especially being people pay for this program.