When using a variable within a command make sure that wildcard matches are not directly touching the variable because it does not become evaluated


So apparently the way I look at your little snipplet there your listbox gets filled has NICKNAME POINT that's it right?

so $didwm(AutoList,208,$+(*,%npoint,*),0) will give you the nth while as I stated awhile ago if you want the text field of the match to appear like NICKNAME point from your listbox then you do... $did(autolist,208,$didwm(autolist,208,$+(*,%npoint,*),0)).text

and if you want to replace the information again in your listbox with new info do

did -o $dname 208 $didwm(autolist,208,$+(*,%npoint,*)) $reptok($did(autolist,208,$didwm(autolist,208,$+(*,%npoint,*),0)).text,OLDINFO,NEWINFO,32)

P.S. Is your dialog listbox ID 208 or 100?

if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }