Ill just use your on text example and show you live

on *:TEXT:*Points*{
if ( $nick == %uno.botname ) {  
var %cpoint = $strip($gettok($1-,5,32),bc)
var %npoint = $remove($gettok($1-,4,32),:)
var %u = $didwm(autolist,100,$+(*,%npoint,*))
if (!%u) {
did -a AutoList 100 %npoint %cpoint
msg %npoint got %cpoint points that round!! 
else {
var %v = $did(autolist,100,%u).text
did -o Autolist 100 %u $reptok(%v,$gettok(%v,2,32),%cpoint,32)
msg %npoint got %cpoint points that round!!

I made a var called u and stored info IF found into it which would be the nth but if theres no match I made a IF check it will just add to your dialog normally however if %u has a match it will replace old info with new %cpoint value if you want to increment this %cpoint value check in the script youll see how to edit it

simply $calc(%cpoint + 1) could increase by one


if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }