when i use,


it returns 0

text comes in like this:

"Points this game ShadowBot: 56"

i use this code to work with it.

on *:TEXT:*Points*:%uno.channel:{
  if ( $nick == %uno.botname ) {  
    did -r AutoList 100
    var %cpoint = $strip($gettok($1-,5,32),bc)
    var %npoint = $remove($gettok($1-,4,32),:)
    did -a AutoList 100 %npoint %cpoint
    msg %uno.channel %npoint got %cpoint points that round!! 
    msg %uno.channel the nickname is $didwm(AutoList,208,*%npoint*,0)

AutoList 100 is just an editbox.
i used a msg to test the $didwm.

Am i doing something wrong?

RusselB, i do have two listboxes.
one on the tab to select players and the other on the main dialog to list the selected players. Below shows the code that i use to do that and to add a zero as the starting number for them.

on dclick:

if ( $did == 206 ) { did -a $dname 208 $did($dname,206).seltext 0 | did -d $dname 206 $did($dname,206).sel }

Last edited by kkoser; 21/05/08 03:45 PM.