well, as for Unicode. It's not buggy itself. It's that mIRC tries to guess the encoding and of course gets wrong. another issue is with nicknames/channels/etc that can be in unicode or any other encoding, and that interfere with the encodings used by users. but as for SJIS/JIS, i've got a solution. it took me just several hours to make a script, so i believe it must me much, much more simpler to fix this in the code of mIRC. my script is not perfect, though.

how to use:
0) DISABLE sjis/jis in Оptions/IRC/Messages; ENABLE ascii parsing
1) put the code in your remotes (Alt-R)
2) make sure the triggers of the script do not interfere with some other scripts
3) go to the ISO-2022-JP channel and check "Enable JIS" in the channel menu. voila!

*) you can use "&#12539;" for actions (e.g. &#12539;&#27515;&#12435;&#12384;). the script will indicate its engine-parsed messages with double <<>>'s and double **'s. quites/parts/topics/etc not parsed.

alias njau.enable {
  if ( $istok( %njau. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] , $network $+ $active , 32 ) ==  $true ) { 
    set %njau. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $remtok( %njau. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] , $network $+ $active , 1, 32)
  else set %njau. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $addtok( %njau. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] , $network $+ $active , 32)

alias njau.isenabled {
  if ( $istok( %njau. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] , $network $+ $active , 32 ) ==  $true ) return 1
  else return 0

menu channel {
  $style( $njau.isenabled( jis ) ) Enable JIS:/njau.enable jis

on *:input:*:{
  if ( $istok( %njau.jis , $network $+ $active , 32 ) ==  $true ) {
    if ( $left($1-,2) == $chr(129) $+ E ) {
      .describe $active $sjis2jis($right($1-,-2))
      echo 3 -atn ** $me $right($1-,-2)
    elseif ( $left($1-,3) == /me ) {
      .describe $active $sjis2jis($right($1-,-3))
      echo 3 -atn ** $me $right($1-,-3)
    elseif ( $left($1-,1) != / ) {
      .msg $active $sjis2jis($1-)
      echo 3 -atn << $+ $me $+ >> $1-

on ^1:text:*:#:   if ( $istok( %njau.jis , $network $+ $chan , 32 ) ==  $true ) { haltdef | echo -mtl # << $+ $nick $+ >> $jis2sjis($1-) }
on ^1:action:*:#: if ( $istok( %njau.jis , $network $+ $chan , 32 ) ==  $true ) { haltdef | echo -mtl # ** $nick $jis2sjis($1-) }

alias -l sjis2jis {
  var %x = 1, %y, %c, %word, %out, %insequence = 0
  var %startsequence = $B
  var %endsequence = (B  

  while ( %x <= $numtok($1-, 32)) {
    %word = $gettok($1-, %x, 32)
    %y = 1
    set %o
    while (%y <= $len(%word)) {
      %c = $asc($mid(%word, %y, 1))
      if ( ((%c >= 129) && (%c <= 159 )) || ((%c >=  224) && (%c <= 239)) ) {
        if (%insequence == 0) { %o = %o $+ %startsequence | %insequence = 1 }
        { { { { {
                  var %a = $asc( $mid(%word, %y, 1) ), %b = $asc( $mid(%word, $calc(%y + 1),1) )
                  if (%a <= 159) %a = $calc(%a - 113)
                  else %a = $calc(%a - 177)
                  %a = $calc( %a * 2 + 1)
                  if (%b >= 127) %b = $calc(%b - 1)
                  if (%b >= 158) {
                    %b = $calc(%b - 125)
                    %a = $calc(%a + 1)
                  else %b = $calc(%b - 31)
                  %o = %o $+ $chr(%a) $+ $chr(%b)
        } } } } }
        %y = $calc( %y + 2 )
      else {
        if (%insequence == 1) { %o = %o $+ %endsequence | %insequence = 0 }
        %o = %o $+ $mid(%word, %y, 1)
        %y = $calc( %y + 1 )
    if (%insequence == 1) %o = { %o $+ %endsequence | %insequence = 0 }
    %out = %out %o
    %x = $calc( %x + 1 )
  return %out

alias -l jis2sjis {
  var %jis = /\$B(.+?)\([BJ]/g
  return $regsubex($1-, %jis, $_jis2sjis(\t))

alias -l _jis2sjis {
  var %x = 1, %y, %z, %j1, %j2, %s1, %s2
  while ( %x < $len($1-) ) {
    %j1 = $asc( $mid( $1-, %x, 1 ) )
    %j2 = $asc( $mid( $1-, $calc( %x + 1 ), 1 ) )
    if ( ( 33 <= %j1 ) && ( %j1 <= 96 ) )  %s1 = $calc( $int( $calc( ( %j1 + 1 ) / 2)) + 112 )
    if ( ( 97 <= %j1 ) && ( %j1 <= 126 ) ) %s1 = $calc( $int( $calc( ( %j1 + 1 ) / 2 )) + 176 )
    if ( $calc( %j1 % 2 ) == 1 ) %s2 = $calc( %j2 + 31 + $int( $calc( %j2 / 96 ) ) )
    else set %s2 $calc( %j2 + 126 )
    set %x $calc( %x + 2 )
    set %z %z $+ $chr( %s1 ) $+ $chr( %s2 )
  return %z