I'm not quite sure about terminology and such, but anyhow, as i've already said:

Originally Posted By: argv0
1. Are there Japanese servers that require whole line sjis/jis conversion? If so, do they support a numeric 005 CHARSET=JIS or some similar value that would tell mIRC to perform whole line conversion?

if by whole line you mean "PRIVMSG #foo :bar", then the question doesn't make sense, as with 'partial' conversion (conv. of channel names/possibly nicknames/message) the line will look the same).

plus, servers don't have encodings, channels do. irc is all about raw--that's why we have 'script' in the font settings. all the japanese networks i've seen have two basic encodings: unicode and iso-2022-jp, and have them simultaneously. and irc protocols are documented and everything. so how A CHANNEL's encoding could possibly ruin client's communication to the SERVER? this is not possible even with (some weird) servers that do encoding conversions and support different encodings on different ports.

Originally Posted By: argv0
2. Should mIRC be SJIS/JIS converting non-message lines as well? ie. channel or query names in JOIN, MODE, etc. events?

as i've said, i've seen channel names in JIS. and i've not seen nicknames in JIS. but as far as i understand, it's possible to make a server which'd support JIS nicknames

BUT please pay some attention to the following, as noone seems to be noticing it.

whole line conversion works fine and i don't see any need to drop it.
do JUST ONE THING: make it work for the channels which use JIS O N L Y.

there is no need to apply SJIS/JIS conversion to russian channels, unicode channels and others, it just ruins everything. this is the only problem, everything works pretty fine with Japanese.

+ nitice that there can be two channels, one in JIS, one in SJIS, so it'd be good if 'JIS Japanese' would be added to the scripts list:

this is the way it should work, as it's nothing but another encoding.

P.S. don't forget that #japanese in FooNet and #japanese in BarNet should be treated as two distinct channels, too!

Last edited by NineTails; 10/05/08 04:18 PM.