FREEWARE?????? BULLSHIT its shareware with a registration fee if ur too [deleted] to tell the difference in an arguement ....... as for not being able to tell the difference ....... HEY DID YA KNOW U CAN CHANGE HOW THE LOG APPEARS ....... by editing ON ACTION events ...... if ur werent so [deleted] i wouldnt be blasting u like this but man ur not only [deleted] ..... but u didnt take the time to actually read anything ...... ur jumping to conclusions ...... if u wanna run off like a crying punk because u cant get ur way ..... hey thats cool good ridence ..... but bottom line flat out ... u wil;l not find anything as configurable and easy to use as this ....... have fun in ur endeavors to find the perfect client for u

Last edited by ParaBrat; 11/04/03 12:06 PM.