I looked at the help /write, could you tell me if my attempt is vaild?


on 1:text:!colorbar_how:#:/notice $nick To make a colorbar with five colors, you can type !colorbar5 color1 color2 color3 color4 color5 nickcolor nick. To make one with four colors, you may type !colorbar4 color1 color2 color3 color4 nickcolor nick. To access the list of colors, type -colors.

on 1:text:!colorbar4 *:#: {
  if ($6 == $null) { msg $chan Invalid Format.  Use: !colorbar color1 color2 color3 color4 nickcolor nick | return }
  msg $chan $+(,$2,$chr(44),0"¼0,$chr(44),$2¼»,$3,$chr(44),$2"¼,$2,$chr(44),$3¼»,$4,$chr(44),$3"¼,$3,$chr(44),$4¼»,$4,$chr(44),$4"¼,$4,$chr(44),$4¼»,$5,$chr(44),$4"¼,$4,$chr(44),$5¼»,$5,$chr(44),$5,------,$6,$7-,,$5,$chr(44),$5,-----,,$4,$chr(44),$5"¼,$5,$chr(44),$4¼»,$4,$chr(44),$4"¼,$4,$chr(44),$4¼»,$3,$chr(44),$4"¼,$4,$chr(44),$3¼»,$2,$chr(44),$3"¼,$3,$chr(44),$2,¼»0,$chr(44),$2"¼,$2,$chr(44),0¼»)

on 1:text:!colorbar5 *:#: {
  if($7 == $null) { msg $chan Invalid Format.  Use: !colorbar color1 color2 color3 color4 color5 nickcolor nick | return }
  msg $chan $+(,$2,$chr(44),0"¼0,$chr(44),$2¼»,$3,$chr(44),$2"¼,$2,$chr(44),$3¼»,$4,$chr(44),$3"¼,$3,$chr(44),$4¼»,$5,$chr(44),$4"¼,$4,$chr(44),$5¼»,$6,$chr(44),$5"¼,$5,$chr(44),$6¼»,$6,$chr(44),$6,-------,$7,$8-,,$6,$chr(44),$6,-------,,$5,$chr(44),$6"¼,$6,$chr(44),$5¼»,$4,$chr(44),$5"¼,$5,$chr(44),$4¼»,$3,$chr(44),$4"¼,$4,$chr(44),$3¼»,$2,$chr(44),$3"¼,$3,$chr(44),$2,¼»0,$chr(44),$2"¼,$2,$chr(44),0¼»)


Also, if I wanted to add the /write line to the top of my colorbar script, would the correct parentheses format be

{ on addbar:TEXT:!addbar*:#: { /write C:\IcyBot\Scripts\test.mrc on 1:text:$$2:#:{ msg $chan $$1 | halt } } | /notice $nick Bar added. | halt }

Last edited by Mpot; 20/09/07 12:22 AM.