So I'm trying to make a script for my bot that spits out colorbars. I usually make them myself, but since this has become tedious, I decided that I'd automate the process. It's supposed to work where you specify the colors and your name, IE !colorbar 1 2 3 4 Mpot. Any ideas why it's not working?

on 1:text:!colorbar*:#: msg $chan $$1,0"¼0,$$1¼»$$2,$$1"¼$$1,$$2¼»$$3,$$2"¼$$2,$$3¼»$$3,$$3"¼$$3,$$3¼»$$4,$$3"¼$$3,$$4¼»1,1%%%%%%0 $$5 $$4,$$4%%%%%%$$3,$$4"¼$$4,$$3¼»$$3,$$3"¼$$3,$$3¼»$$2,$$3"¼$$3,$$2¼»$$1,$$2"¼$$2,$$1¼»0,$$1"¼$$1,0¼»

The ¼ is part of the bar itself, makes it look pretty.

Say I picked colors 11, 12, 2, and 10. And my name is Mpot. I'd go !colorbar 11 12 2 10 Mpot and I should get something back looking like this:

Last edited by Mpot; 18/09/07 10:10 PM.