Have a while loop do something like this:

alias slist {
var %i 1
while (%i <= $nick(#,0)) {
did -a name id $nick(#,%i).pnick
inc %i

That's for their status.

For their hosts.. you'd have to use something like this:

alias hlist {
who $chan
var %i 1
while (%i <= $nick(#,0)) {
did -a name id $address($nick(#,%i),4)
inc %i

As that's for their hosts. Has the "who $chan" in it incase your IAL isnt filled.. so it gets their hosts. Just make the dialog, put those in the init event, and replace name, id, etc. with the dialog's name, and the id of the listbox, etc. you want the data in.

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