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Posted By: DeXoy Help Me On This - 15/12/02 04:15 AM
ok. i am trying to make a dialog that will list all the users in the active channel, and i would be able to op,deop,voice,kick,ban people from the dialog. How would i go about listing all the users, their modes, and their address in the dialog? i am not sure how i would do this.
Posted By: Frog Re: Help Me On This - 15/12/02 04:22 AM
Have a while loop do something like this:

alias slist {
var %i 1
while (%i <= $nick(#,0)) {
did -a name id $nick(#,%i).pnick
inc %i

That's for their status.

For their hosts.. you'd have to use something like this:

alias hlist {
who $chan
var %i 1
while (%i <= $nick(#,0)) {
did -a name id $address($nick(#,%i),4)
inc %i

As that's for their hosts. Has the "who $chan" in it incase your IAL isnt filled.. so it gets their hosts. Just make the dialog, put those in the init event, and replace name, id, etc. with the dialog's name, and the id of the listbox, etc. you want the data in.
Posted By: _D3m0n_ Re: Help Me On This - 15/12/02 04:51 AM
ok ive actually got that exact thing ive made into mine ......
heres what ive got and it all works ..... altho its a bit draining on the mirc itself and slows things down i think

dialog _nicklist {
title "Nick List"
size $calc($window(-1).w - 145) 94 145 610
option pixels
icon demon.ico, 0
icon 50, -30 -145 185 770, images/electricnick.bmp
icon 51, 6 376 133 46, images/D3m0nicN.png
list 1, 5 5 135 377, size extsel vsbar
button "Kick", 2, 5 418 65 18
button "Kick/Ban", 3, 75 418 65 18
button "Ban", 4, 5 442 65 20
button "Query", 5, 75 442 65 18
button "+ HelpOp", 6, 5 514 65 18
button "+ Op", 7, 5 466 65 18
button "- Op", 8, 75 466 65 18
button "+ Voice", 9, 5 490 65 18
button "- Voice", 10, 75 490 65 18
button "+ Exception", 11, 5 538 65 18
button "- HelpOp", 12, 75 514 65 18
button "- Exception", 13, 75 538 65 18
button "Whois", 14, 5 562 65 18
button "Ping", 15, 75 562 65 18
button "+ Protect", 16, 5 586 65 18
button "- Protect", 17, 75 586 65 18

ive added a bit more than just the standard things uve asked for if ur interested in the full mrc to it i could send ya it and u could use it for a base comparison as to urs ......

Posted By: DeXoy Re: Help Me On This - 15/12/02 05:08 AM
dialog nicklist {
  title "Nicklist  [ /nicklist ]"
  size -1 -1 159 92
  option dbu
  list 1, 5 16 150 70, size
  box "", 4, 2 1 156 88
  edit "", 5, 5 5 72 10, read
  edit "", 6, 82 5 72 10, read
on *:dialog:nicklist:*:*:{
  if ($devent == init) {
    dll $mdx SetMircVersion $version 
    dll $mdx MarkDialog $dname
    dll $mdx SetControlMDX $dname 1 ListView report single grid &gt; $views
    did -i $dname 1 1 headerdims 115
    did -i $dname 1 1 headertext Nicks
    did -a $dname 5 $server
    did -a $dname 6 Channel : $+ $active $+
    .readlist 1 $active nicks

alias slist {
  var %i 1
  while (%i &lt;= $nick(#,0)) {
    .writeini nicklist.ini $active nicks $iif($readini(nicklist.ini,$active,nicks),$+($ifmatch,$chr(44),$nick(#,%i).pnick),$nick(#,%i).pnick))
    inc %i
    goto start
alias  readlist {
  var %a = 1
  did -r $dname $1
  while ($gettok($readini(nicklist.ini,$2,$3),%a,44)) {
    did -az $dname $1 $ifmatch
    inc %a

This is what i got so far.. but how do i make it clear the ini every time? because if someone leaves the channel.. it still shows them in the list.
Posted By: _D3m0n_ Re: Help Me On This - 15/12/02 05:18 AM
ok well here is what ive got and its a bit long LoL:::::

menu menubar,channel,nicklist {
Nicklist: dialog -mdh _nicklist _nicklist

on *:DIALOG:_nicklist:init:0: {
%nicklist = On
%sn = 1
did -ra _nicklist 1 $nick($chan(1),%sn).pnick
%sn = 2
while ( $nick($chan(1),%sn,a) != $null ) {
did -a _nicklist 1 $nick($chan(1),%sn).pnick
%sn = %sn + 1
on *:DIALOG:_nicklist:close:0: {
%nicklist = Off
on *:ACTIVE:*: {
if ( #* !iswm $active ) && ( %nicklist == On ) {
dialog -i _nicklist _nicklist
elseif ( #* iswm $active ) && ( %nicklist == On ) {
dialog -e _nicklist _nicklist
%sn = 1
did -ra _nicklist 1 $nick($active,%sn).pnick
%sn = 2
while ( $nick($active,%sn,a) != $null ) {
did -a _nicklist 1 $nick($active,%sn).pnick
%sn = %sn + 1
if ( $appactive == $true ) && ( %nicklist == On ) {
dialog -o _nicklist _nicklist
elseif ( $appactive == $false ) && ( %nicklist == On ) {
dialog -n _nicklist _nicklist
on *:DIALOG:_nicklist:sclick:2: {
%sn = 1
while ( $did(1,$did(1,%sn).sel).text != $null ) {
mode $active -o $remove($did(1,$did(1,%sn).sel).text,.,@,+,%)
kick $active $remove($did(1,$did(1,%sn).sel).text,.,@,+,%) One Click Kick!
%sn = %sn + 1
on *:DIALOG:_nicklist:sclick:3: {
%sn = 1
while ( $did(1,$did(1,%sn).sel).text != $null ) {
mode $active -o $remove($did(1,$did(1,%sn).sel).text,.,@,+,%)
mode $active +b $address($remove($did(1,$did(1,%sn).sel).text,.,@,+,%),3)
kick $active $remove($did(1,$did(1,%sn).sel).text,.,@,+,%)
%sn = %sn + 1
on *:DIALOG:_nicklist:sclick:4: {
%sn = 1
while ( $did(1,$did(1,%sn).sel).text != $null ) {
mode $active -o $remove($did(1,$did(1,%sn).sel).text,.,@,+,%)
mode $active +b $address($remove($did(1,$did(1,%sn).sel).text,.,@,+,%),3)
%sn = %sn + 1
on *:DIALOG:_nicklist:sclick:5: {
%sn = 1
while ( $did(1,$did(1,%sn).sel).text != $null ) {
query $remove($did(1,$did(1,%sn).sel).text,.,@,+,%)
%sn = %sn + 1
on *:DIALOG:_nicklist:sclick:7: {
%sn = 1
while ( $did(1,$did(1,%sn).sel).text != $null ) {
mode $active +o $remove($did(1,$did(1,%sn).sel).text,.,@,+,%)
%sn = %sn + 1
on *:DIALOG:_nicklist:sclick:8: {
%sn = 1
while ( $did(1,$did(1,%sn).sel).text != $null ) {
mode $active -o $remove($did(1,$did(1,%sn).sel).text,.,@,+,%)
%sn = %sn + 1
on *:DIALOG:_nicklist:sclick:9: {
%sn = 1
while ( $did(1,$did(1,%sn).sel).text != $null ) {
mode $active +v $remove($did(1,$did(1,%sn).sel).text,.,@,+,%)
%sn = %sn + 1
on *:DIALOG:_nicklist:sclick:10: {
%sn = 1
while ( $did(1,$did(1,%sn).sel).text != $null ) {
mode $active -v $remove($did(1,$did(1,%sn).sel).text,.,@,+,%)
%sn = %sn + 1
on *:DIALOG:_nicklist:sclick:6: {
%sn = 1
while ( $did(1,$did(1,%sn).sel).text != $null ) {
mode $active +h $remove($did(1,$did(1,%sn).sel).text,.,@,+,%)
%sn = %sn + 1
on *:DIALOG:_nicklist:sclick:12: {
%sn = 1
while ( $did(1,$did(1,%sn).sel).text != $null ) {
mode $active -h $remove($did(1,$did(1,%sn).sel).text,.,@,+,%)
%sn = %sn + 1
on *:DIALOG:_nicklist:sclick:11: {
%sn = 1
while ( $did(1,$did(1,%sn).sel).text != $null ) {
mode $active +e $address($remove($did(1,$did(1,%sn).sel).text,.,@,+,%),3)
%sn = %sn + 1
on *:DIALOG:_nicklist:sclick:13: {
%sn = 1
while ( $did(1,$did(1,%sn).sel).text != $null ) {
mode $active -e $address($remove($did(1,$did(1,%sn).sel).text,.,@,+,%),3)
%sn = %sn + 1
on *:DIALOG:_nicklist:sclick:14: {
%sn = 1
while ( $did(1,$did(1,%sn).sel).text != $null ) {
whois $remove($did(1,$did(1,%sn).sel).text,.,@,+,%)
%sn = %sn + 1
on *:DIALOG:_nicklist:sclick:15: {
%sn = 1
while ( $did(1,$did(1,%sn).sel).text != $null ) {
ctcp $remove($did(1,$did(1,%sn).sel).text,.,@,+,%) PING
%sn = %sn + 1
on *:DIALOG:_nicklist:sclick:16: {
%sn = 1
while ( $did(1,$did(1,%sn).sel).text != $null ) {
mode $active +a $remove($did(1,$did(1,%sn).sel).text,.,@,+,%)
%sn = %sn + 1
on *:DIALOG:_nicklist:sclick:17: {
%sn = 1
while ( $did(1,$did(1,%sn).sel).text != $null ) {
mode $active -a $remove($did(1,$did(1,%sn).sel).text,.,@,+,%)
%sn = %sn + 1
on *:DIALOG:_nicklist:sclick:50: {
run http://www.cyber-chats.com/main/about.html
dialog _nicklist {
title "Nick List"
size $calc($window(-1).w - 145) 94 145 610
option pixels
icon demon.ico, 0
icon 50, -30 -145 185 770, images/electricnick.bmp
icon 51, 6 376 133 46, images/D3m0nicN.png
list 1, 5 5 135 377, size extsel vsbar
button "Kick", 2, 5 418 65 18
button "Kick/Ban", 3, 75 418 65 18
button "Ban", 4, 5 442 65 20
button "Query", 5, 75 442 65 18
button "+ HelpOp", 6, 5 514 65 18
button "+ Op", 7, 5 466 65 18
button "- Op", 8, 75 466 65 18
button "+ Voice", 9, 5 490 65 18
button "- Voice", 10, 75 490 65 18
button "+ Exception", 11, 5 538 65 18
button "- HelpOp", 12, 75 514 65 18
button "- Exception", 13, 75 538 65 18
button "Whois", 14, 5 562 65 18
button "Ping", 15, 75 562 65 18
button "+ Protect", 16, 5 586 65 18
button "- Protect", 17, 75 586 65 18

hope this helps ya and ur welcome to rip anything u want outta it lol
Posted By: DeXoy Re: Help Me On This - 15/12/02 05:30 AM
alright cool, but do you know how i would delete or clear the nicks section of the ini i made, each time?
Posted By: _D3m0n_ Re: Help Me On This - 15/12/02 05:39 AM
/remini <inifile> <section> [item]
Deletes whole sections or single items in an INI file.

that would be a simple way to do it ...... but ud also have to make it refresh the list everytime it changed the ini ....
Posted By: _D3m0n_ Re: Help Me On This - 15/12/02 05:48 AM
realized i forgot to add an example since mines not using an ini id do mine like this using on part and on join

on *:JOIN:*: {
if ( #* !iswm $active ) && ( %nicklist == On ) {
dialog -i _nicklist _nicklist
elseif ( #* iswm $active ) && ( %nicklist == On ) {
dialog -e _nicklist _nicklist
%sn = 1
did -ra _nicklist 1 $nick($active,%sn).pnick
%sn = 2
while ( $nick($active,%sn,a) != $null ) {
did -a _nicklist 1 $nick($active,%sn).pnick
%sn = %sn + 1

something like that would refresh it on every join ..... but ud have to add something for each way someone would come or go from the channel ..... ive left it out in mine cause well i really have found out its more of a PITA than id cared for at the time ..... and stayed with the regular nicklist ..... ud have to add something similar for parts joins kicks quits and so on and so forth to make sure the list got refreshed each and everytime someone came left or was forced out
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