realized i forgot to add an example since mines not using an ini id do mine like this using on part and on join

on *:JOIN:*: {
if ( #* !iswm $active ) && ( %nicklist == On ) {
dialog -i _nicklist _nicklist
elseif ( #* iswm $active ) && ( %nicklist == On ) {
dialog -e _nicklist _nicklist
%sn = 1
did -ra _nicklist 1 $nick($active,%sn).pnick
%sn = 2
while ( $nick($active,%sn,a) != $null ) {
did -a _nicklist 1 $nick($active,%sn).pnick
%sn = %sn + 1

something like that would refresh it on every join ..... but ud have to add something for each way someone would come or go from the channel ..... ive left it out in mine cause well i really have found out its more of a PITA than id cared for at the time ..... and stayed with the regular nicklist ..... ud have to add something similar for parts joins kicks quits and so on and so forth to make sure the list got refreshed each and everytime someone came left or was forced out