i seem to need irc to get into mirc. yes?
Close. You use mIRC to connect to an IRC network.
Close. Realmworld is an IRC network.
then i have to close realmworld to enter anything else, or i will be banned for running 2 networks. yes?
No. mIRC has the abiltiy to be connected to multiple networks at the same time. There is no way for someone else to tell if you are connected to one network, or 100 (although I don't suggest you try that higher number)
i am female and blonde and my brain doesn't seem to think the way others do, and you are willing to help. yes?
I'm trying.
so can you correct me with a blonde answer please, so that i might stop being banned?
If you are being banned, then there must be a reason, but so far as I can tell, you haven't provided the reason.
i am being honest. i truly don't understand networks, no matter how much i read; as i was always in mirc and never had to deal with this problem before.
the only time i was banned was when i changed to a router, and needed router help. and that was easy because i could always get help in mirc. now i am lost.
i am happy for you that you are so happy in irc. what do you do there? and how do you you get to this happiness place? maybe i'll just stay in irc, if i can find some human beings there. my friends are all in mirc. but i can make new friends.
my interests are music, singing, day trading, and Christian fellowship (old time religion).
Try searching on
Search IRC for channels or networks that have similar interests.
The more detailed information you can give, the better we might be able to help you.