I have to say, all the posts that are against this recommendation admit the issues and problems, but say they are not significant. Not everyone on irc know what possible problems can be and how to avoid them. Some are kids as young as 8 and 9 YO who are just starting into the realm. Also many adults are also into this who are computer illiterate, and are looking to have fun talking without having to be subjected to the problems that are easy to fix with a more secure version of Mirc. I like scripts, but I know how to avoid problems more then most. I know from helping people who are being subjected to the problems that there is a need for it. All the advertising that happens without someone knowing it cause they got an infected program. My only guess for people who would be against a more secure Mirc are more the likely some of the people who like to mess with others on the Irc. There is no logic reason to not want a more secure version for people who just want good basic chat, and not a fancy script. My recommendation would make it easy to tell people who have problems and are not able to deal with it themselves to simply go to
www.Mirc.Com and DL a secure version that will remove an infected version and install a version that can’t be infected. The idea that, you deserve what you get like some recommend are very self centered in there opinions. Irc should be a place that people can come and just relax and talk and not have to worry about being attacked. Not everyone wants or needs a fancy script, and my recommendation is something good for IRC and it’s enjoyment. Not the selfish needs of others.