Honestly, i dont see how this would help. PPl get virii and trojans by downloading from ppl they dont know, by clicking on every url someone shows them, by loading a script someone tells them they just cant live without, by typing something or changing some setting some new "friend" tells them to, opening every email attachment they get.
Popups warn ppl, there has been tons of publicity about safety, but the bottom line is that a "stripped down version" of mIRC isnt going to force ppl to use common sense. You dont have to be "advanced" to know that blindly doing what someone tells you to do could get you in trouble. When i first got mIRC, i didnt have a clue, but i had enuf sense to not do what some stranger suggested...and it would be hard to not know about virii nowadays if you watch the news or read the papers. Some networks block certain file types like exe, ini etc with a warning until you type a command... sadly lots just ignore the warning and follow instructions to accept the file anyway. If they werent able to click on an url, they would do what they did before: tell the person to paste it into their browser.
Dont get me wrong, im all for as many safeguards as reasonably possible, but i dont think a "stripped down version" is going to help. I too have spent a lot of time helping ppl clean up after a virus, and had lots of them then tell me "i dont care about the risk, the porn/movie/music is too good to miss"