I love MIrc in general. I like to play with things it can do, but there is a problem. People who are not advanced computer users can easily get a virus passed to them, and if they don’t know computers fixing it is a problem. I have spent hours helping people fix these problems when no one else will because others could not be patient with them cause they didn’t know basic skills. My recommendation is this...
Make a second version of MIRC that is striped to the basic things only and is not open to viruses and sabotage for the people who just want to come online and talk and don't care about all the cool stuff that makes MIRC flexible. In it's flexibility you program in vulnerability for unskilled users.
For people who love the options and want to make scripts, you still have your current development, but you need a secure, streamlined version. Also, IF you do it, make the install options default to delete other versions of MIRC completely incase they have a virus. Allow the option to be changed, but it would allow people who keep getting infected to get a basic version and install it and fix there problems.
Just a thought.
Xenolite of Dalnet