Alright, I just found out that the website doesn't support war searches anymore. What we need to do is go here, input the data specified in !wars username, keeping in mind that names can contain spaces.

Then this comes up:

If there aren't any search results, it'll look like this:

If there are no mathes, I want the script to reply in notice with '0 Colonies found matching search criteria.'

If there are several matches like this:

it should come back with 'Multiple results, please narrow your query:
user here
user here

Alright. So it's narrowed to one person. It clicks on the name and is taken to the colony overview.

If they aren't in wars, it looks like this:

If they aren't in any wars, the script comes back and says User is not in wars.

If they are in wars, it looks like this:

If in an aggressive war, it'd say the same thing with the war name under aggressive wars.

So, if they're in a war, I want the script to come back with 'use in in war #####' and with a link to the war, which can be obtained by clicking on the number in the display colony screen.

To recap:
!wars username: bot inputs into search feature. If multiple results, the script returns with 'Multiple results, please narrow your query' and lists the users it got back.

If there's one, it goes to the colony. If it's in no wars, script says 'colonynamehere is not in any wars'.

If in wars, it says 'colonynamehere' is in war ### with a link to that war.