How hard would it be to create a script that returns if a person has any active wars using this? Like '!wars username' and it returns if they have any wars?

And, perhaps, a script that checks if any of these people are in a war?

And, perhaps, a script that will respond with a listing of wars for an alliance from this list. Like !wars alliance and it sends back a listing of all members of that alliance in a war?

Also, I don't want the bot to get flooded off, so I've got this script.

alias inoutbot {
if ($1 = 1) { $read(limiter.txt, 1)
write -dl1 limiter.txt
if ($1 = 0) {
write limiter.txt $2-
on *:start:{ timerbotlimiter 0 2 /inoutbot 1
write -c limiter.txt }

So can you incorporate the /inoutbot 0 limiter into any msg commands. And, I'd like the war listings for an alliance to send in a query. And wars for a single person in notice.

If anyone can pull this off, I congratulate them.

Last edited by Mpot; 28/04/07 12:04 AM.