Control codes are not meant to be seen. They are used for some type of CONTROL (in this case how text is displayed).

There should be identifiers for control codes. $bo = bold! $ul = underline! You get the idea I hope.

Until then, I have my own identifiers for control codes...

;*** GLOBAL hadd chatFormatting
ALIAS BO { if $isid { if !$1- { return $chr(02) } | else { return $+($chr(02),$1-,$chr(02)) } | else { /BO $1- } } }
ALIAS UL { if $isid { return $chr(31)  } | else { /UL $1- } }
ALIAS RV { if $isid { return $chr(22)  } | else { /RV $1- } }
ALIAS O  { if $isid { return $chr(15)  } | else { /O  $1- } }
ALIAS T  { if $isid { return $chr(09)  } | else { /T  $1- } }
ALIAS S  { if $isid { return $chr(32)  } | else { /S  $1- } }
ALIAS HS { if $isid { return $chr(160) } | else { /HS $1- } }

alias CO { 
  var %fg, %bg, %code
  var %string7

  if $isid {
    if (!$len($1)) { return $chr(03) }

    var %string = $1
    if ($2 isnum) { %fg = $2 } | else { %fg = $null }
    if ($3 isnum) { %bg = $3 } | else { %bg = $null }

    if (%fg) && (%bg) { %code = %fg $+ , $+ %bg }
    else if (%fg) { %code = %fg }
    else { %code = $null }

    if ($len(%string)) { 
      return $+($chr(03),%code,%string,$chr(03))
    else { return $chr(03) }
  else {
    /CO $1-

Beware of MeStinkBAD! He knows more than he actually does!