This is something i write a while ago, maybe it's something for you, add the "bad words" in a txt file named badwords.txt, then type: /set %word.kick on .. and ur ready to go, disable the kick is done by: /set %word.kick off .. If you want to kick oped and voiced users too, remove the lines:

if ( $nick isop $chan ) { halt }
if ($nick isvo $chan) { halt }

You can add as many words you like in the txt file, and can be changed to kick nick using the badword too. and not with so much work, good luck. smile

Code goes in your remote.. ALT + R in your mirc.
on @*:text:*:#:{
  if ( $nick isop $chan ) { halt }
  if ($nick isvo $chan) { halt }
  if (%word.kick == On) {
    set %badword.line 1
    if ( $read -l $+ %badword.line " $+ $mircdir\badwords.txt $+ " == $null ) { halt }
    elseif ( $read -l $+ %badword.line $mircdir $+ \badwords.txt isin $1- ) { goto badwordkick }
    else { inc %badword.line | goto badword }
    kick # $nick Do not use that language here!
    else { halt }

if ($me != tired) { return } | else { echo -a Get a pot of coffee now $+($me,.) }