Yes, Riamus2, i am looking for someway to code the default mIRC error messages called upon from a failure through a remote script. I listed a couple that I run into from time to time, such as trying to access a dialog that is currently open will return this message:

* /dialog: 'mymp3' name in use

There are many error messages or error events that can trigger a default echo message from mIRC as I posted above:

* /if: insufficient parameters (line 7, Input)

This is a default error message if a user writes a script and forgets a parameter, or missing ()'s or something. There are others, I have gotten them with incorrectly formatted /timer statements ranging through improper calls of custom aliases. Through my years of learning I have discovered these messages (dont we all? crazy) but never knew of a way to re-code their looks to match the theme of my script.

mIRC generally responds with this echo'd error message begining with an asterisk followed by the result of what error is being called.

I wanted to know if there is a way to change the format of these messages so that I can make the echo statment to match the theme I use on the rest of the events, with like say, a time, followed by the fancy little color scheme of my choice etc. etc.

Thanks for responding,

And as a courtesy to anyone, i will help anyone I can with extreme patience. I am an advanced user, but please reserve my help to forums.

I absolutely enjoy scripting

Thanks in advance for the input grin


Scripto ---- Life is about the relationships. The correct code being: $replace($them,$you,$me)