I had a vision once of being able to not only change the theme, but by having access to said errors, or default messages, I could code notes reminding myself upon seeing a particular message, a list of possible "fixes", like I forgot to close a comparison in an "if" statement, or something along those lines.

An overview being, every scripter has his own shortcomings.

There are many default messages, both error and informational, that would be helpful to make 'self' key notes upon, for future reference.

I dont think I had a strand of hair left in my head the very first year I was interested in script writing. Not only did I have to self teach the structure of the language, but also interpret where and how I made errors, through the default messaging.

I became efficiant after time, and then quit writing for a year or two, only to walk back into a wall I had already climbed. Some notes passed onto me, pre-scripted, themed, and advanced to my understandings from my trial and error years would have been a wonderful re-discovery, to pick up and move forward with.

In turn, being the idea behind this thread smile Great ideas guys grin

Scripto ---- Life is about the relationships. The correct code being: $replace($them,$you,$me)