ok, got it working, thanks guys. But, I found yet another problem with my script, I'm almost done with it though.

on ^*:TEXT:*:?: {
  if (Typing-message: $false == $1-2) {
    mtitle $titlebar
    echo -a Testing
  if (Typing-message: $true == $1-2) {
    mtitle $titlebar ------------------------------- $active Is Typing A Message. --------
    echo -a Testing-1

ok, it does every command here, the haltdef, the echo -a Testing[-1], but, it does not do the mtitle part, but, when I use it just normally type it, it works, so, the alias 'mtitle' isn't messed up, but, it's not working for some reason, why is that?
Also, sorry for making so many posts/threads on this topic.


Full Code Just In Case:
on *:ACTIVE:?: {
  if (*!*@XBConnect.com* iswm $address($active,2)) {
    .timercheck -m $+(100,$str(00,6)) 430 check
on *:ACTIVE:#: {
  if ($timer(check)) { .timercheck off }
alias check {
  if ($left($editbox($active),1) != $chr(47)) {
    if ($len($editbox($active)) >= 1) {
      if (%Typing != $true) {
        .msg $active Typing-Message: $true
      set -u15 %Typing $true
    else {
      if (%Typing) {
        .msg $active Typing-Message: $false
        unset %Typing

on ^*:TEXT:*:?: {
  if (Typing-message: $false == $1-2) {
    mtitle $titlebar
    echo -a Testing
  if (Typing-message: $true == $1-2) {
    mtitle $titlebar ------------------------------- $active Is Typing A Message. --------
    echo -a Testing-1

alias mtitle { dll " $+ $scriptdirmtitle.dll $+ " mtitle $1- }
alias mtitlebar { return $dll( " $+ $scriptdirmtitle.dll $+ " , mtbar , 0 ) }
alias mChan { if ($1 ischan) { mSet $1 Channel: -[ $+ $1 $+ ]- Population: -[ $+ $nick($1,0) $+ ]- Modes: -[ $+ $iif( $chan($1).mode , $chan($1).mode , n/a ) $+ ]- Topic: -[ $+ $iif( $chan($1).topic , $ifmatch , none) $+ ]- } }
alias mSet { if ($1 ischan) { dll " $+ $scriptdirmtitle.dll $+ " mchan $window($1).hwnd $strip($2-) } }

alias mtabout { dll " $+ $scriptdirmtitle.dll $+ " mtabout }
on :*:load: {
  if ($version < 5.9) { echo $colour(info) -s *** mtitle cannot be used, you need mIRC 5.9 or higher | unload -rs $script | return }
  echo $colour(info) -s *** mtitle v1.3 by Kintar0 
  echo $colour(info) -s *** mtitle successfully loaded...
  .timer 1 1 mtabout
