Well, here is a start for you... the popups. I don't have time right now to try and do more, but maybe someone else can.

Those flirting, insults, etc. ones are very easy to set up. I'll give you a couple examples and you can just repeat those to create as many as you want.

menu channel,nicklist {
  Special Messages
  .Quotes:say $read(messages\quotes.txt)
  .$iif($1,Insult):say $1 $+ , $read(messages\insults.txt)
  .$iif($1,Flirt):say $1 $+ , $read(messages\flirts.txt)

What that will do is to make a menu item on the channel popup and nicklist popup called Special Messages. If you go to that item, you will see more items. The first one will appear for both channel and nicklist popups because it doesn't need to say a person's nick. It will just randomly read a quote from the file called quotes.txt that is in the messages folder. The next 2 will only appear from the nicklist. The $iif part checks to make sure there is a $1 (a nick is selected) and if there is, it will appear (this means it only appears on the nicklist popup). Those will then say the nick followed by a comma and then a random message from the appropriate text file.

Each text file should have one line per message and the messages should be shorter than about 400 characters. You can repeat this same thing for all types of messages you want to use. Use the format of the quotes line for things that you don't want to include the person's nick and use the format of the insult/flirt line if you do want to include the person's nick.

As a note, you can do special things with it as well. The obvious one would be to add color to it... just put color codes in there:
.$iif($1,Flirt):say 04 $+ $1 $+ , $read(messages\flirts.txt)

Also, if you want the nick to appear somewhere in the middle of a message, you can do this:
.$iif($1,Flirt):say $replace($read(messages\flirts.txt),#nick#,$1)

Then, in the text file, wherever you want the nick to appear, put #nick# -- for example:

Hey, #nick#! You're cute.


Anyhow, that is basically all you need for the popup stuff. They won't be too hard to set up... it just takes time to type all the lines in those files.

That will get you started.

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