hello again...

man this seems like a neverending battle... but i'm not sure how to do this. ok, my problem now is that i'm trying to set a variable from a line in a @window.. this was suggested a lil while back (kinda)for my script but i'm not sure how to go about it. thanks to deegee for helping me get this far, but now that i'm at the point of where this is needed i'm stumped..
i'm making a personal search script for the imdb site and now i'm able to put a list of search results into a dialog list and have the url into a @window.
now what i would like to do is when i select an item in the dialog it would set the variable with the url so i can use it to call my next socket to pull my info.. how can i do this??
heres what i have:
on *:sockopen:dg.imdb:{
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET /find?s=all&q= $+ $replace(%movietitle,$chr(32),$(%20,))/ HTTP/1.0
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: www.imdb.com $str($lf,2)
on *:sockread:dg.imdb:{

  sockread -f &a
  bwrite imdb.txt -1 -1 &a
on *:sockclose:dg.imdb:p.imdb
alias  p.imdb {
  .fopen imdb imdb.txt
  if $ferr { echo -a read error | fclose imdb | return }
  .fseek -w imdb *Popular Titles*
  if !$feof && !$ferr {
    while $fread(imdb) != </ol> {
      var %a = $v1
      if *Popular Titles* iswm %a { dialog -m result result | did -a result 1 $_htmlconv($gettok(%a,5-,62)) }
      else did -a result 1 $_htmlconv(%a) | window @imdb | aline @imdb $gettok(%a,2,34)
  .fclose imdb
dialog result {
  title Results For: %movietitle
  size -1 -1 261 103
  option dbu
  list 1, 4 11 251 60, size hsbar
  button "Continue", 2, 5 89 37 9
  button "Cancel", 3, 101 89 37 9, cancel
  text "Please Make A Selection", 4, 40 2 58 7
on *:dialog:result:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 2) {
    if $did($dname,1,1).sel { set %movieinfolink2 $fline(@imdb,*,1,0) }
alias movieinfo { .remove imdb.txt | sockclose dg.imdb | sockopen dg.imdb www.imdb.com 80 }


the above code connects to the site and writes the initial info to file. the allows me to pull and put my search results into the dialog and @window.

on *:sockread:movieinfo2:{ 
  if ($sockerr) { 
  else { 
    var %tmptxt 
    sockread -f %tmptxt 
    if (<b class="blackcatheader"> isin %tmptxt) {
      if (Directed isin %tmptxt) { set %directcatch 1 }
    elseif (%directcatch <= 1) {
      hadd $remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh Director $htmlconv(%tmptxt)
      unset %directcatch
    if (<b class="ch"> isin %tmptxt) { 
      if (%zinfonumber <= 8) { 
        if (%zinfonumber = 1) { inc %zinfonumber } 
        elseif (%zinfonumber = 2) {
          hadd $remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh Tagline $remove($htmlconv(%tmptxt),Tagline:,(more),(view trailer)) 
          inc %zinfonumber 
        elseif (%zinfonumber = 3) {
          hadd $remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh Plot $remove($htmlconv(%tmptxt),Plot $+ $chr(32) $+ Outline:,Plot $+ $chr(32) $+ Summary:,(more),(view trailer)) 
          inc %zinfonumber 
        elseif (%zinfonumber = 4) { inc %zinfonumber } 
        elseif (%zinfonumber = 5) { inc %zinfonumber } 
        elseif (%zinfonumber = 6) { inc %zinfonumber } 
        elseif (%zinfonumber = 7) { inc %zinfonumber } 
        elseif (%zinfonumber = 8) { replywithstuff } 
      if (Genre: isin %tmptxt) { set %genrecatch 1 }
      if (Runtime: isin %tmptxt) { set %rtcatch 8 }
    elseif (%genrecatch <= 1) { 
      hadd $remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh Genre $remove($htmlconv(%tmptxt),(more)) 
      unset %genrecatch 
    elseif (%rtcatch <= 8) {
      hadd $remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh runtime $remove($htmlconv(%tmptxt),runtime:)  
      unset %rtcatch
dialog my_imdb {
  title "AwSuMovies IMDB Personal Search Results"
  size -1 -1 243 106
  option dbu
  edit "", 2, 72 6 105 10
  edit "", 3, 33 24 105 10
  edit "", 4, 33 38 62 10
  edit "", 5, 121 38 115 10
  edit "", 6, 164 24 73 10
  text "Search For:", 7, 40 7 28 8
  text "Movie Title:", 8, 4 25 28 8
  text "Genre:", 9, 103 40 17 8
  text "Director:", 10, 11 40 21 7
  text "Runtime:", 11, 141 25 22 8
  edit "", 14, 33 53 203 10
  button "Search!", 16, 180 6 37 10
  text "Tag Line:", 17, 10 55 23 7
  button "Done", 18, 219 6 22 10, ok
  text "Movie Plot:", 15, 93 67 27 8
  edit "", 1, 5 76 232 28, multi
on *:dialog:my_imdb:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 16) {
    set %movietitle $did(2)
    did -r $dname 2
    if $isfile($+(imdb\,$remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)),.hsh)) {
      hmake $remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh 
      hload $remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh $+(imdb\,$remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)),.hsh)
      did -ra $dname 3 %movietitle 
      did -ra $dname 4 $hget($remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh,Director)
      did -ra $dname 5 $hget($remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh,Genre)
      did -ra $dname 7 $hget($remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh,Tagline)
      did -ra $dname 1 $hget($remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh,Plot)
      did -ra $dname 6 %hget($remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh,Runtime)
    else {
      hmake $remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh
alias  _htmlconv { 
  var %x = $regsubex($1-,/(?:&#(\d*?);)/g,$chr(\t))
  noop $regsub(%x,/(^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$)/g,$null,%x)
  return $remove(%x,&,$chr(9))
alias -l dirchck { if (!isdir(imdb)) mkdir imdb }
alias -l replywithstuff {
  did -ra my_imdb 3 %movietitle
  did -ra my_imdb 4 $hget($remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh,Director)
  did -ra my_imdb 5 $hget($remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh,Genre)
  did -ra my_imdb 14 $hget($remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh,Tagline)
  did -ra my_imdb 1 $hget($remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh,Plot)
  did -ra my_imdb 6 $hget($remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh,Runtime)
  hsave $+($remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)),.hsh) $+(imdb\,$remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)),.hsh)
  sockclose movieinfo1 | sockclose movieinfo2
  hfree $remove(%movietitle,$chr(32)) $+ .hsh
alias mymoviesearch { dialog -m my_imdb my_imdb }

this code above is where i'm inputting the %movietitle info and also where the final in put will be being put when the second socket is triggered plus all the aliases i'm using..

now i don't think i will have to modify the code in socket 2, but for now i'm in need of setting the corrisponding url from the @imdb window when i make a selection in the dialog..

i know this was long winded.... sorry about that but wanted to let ya'll know all..
thanks in advance...